MobileSheets (Android) Discussion
- Idea for better handling of MIDI setings in MSP (9 Replies)
- Rendering of files for setlists (5 Replies)
- Import setlists (2 Replies)
- Page turning feature (5 Replies)
- backup selection (11 Replies)
- Samsung Note Pro 12.2 with Lollipop? (11 Replies)
- Updating Multiple Tablets (12 Replies)
- Batch Import of song with different titles (8 Replies)
- Annotation Enhancements? (1 Reply)
- Reorder list? (9 Replies)
- faster render time (4 Replies)
- Dutch and Greek Translations (Translators Needed) (3 Replies)
- Text file that MobilesheetsPro can't seem to handle (10 Replies)
- MS Pro User Guide (3 Replies)
- Annotation (2 Replies)
- Using 'restore library' without losing other contents (1 Reply)
- Write Annotations to File problem (3 Replies)
- to do list (2 Replies)
- [fixed in 1.3.1] Hyperlinks in PDFs & Musescore Songbook (6 Replies)
- Database Backup (1 Reply)