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Full Version: sync fails Mac > iPad
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Hi folks!

Sync has broken for me when using Mac as server to sync to my iPad. 

I tried it 3 times. The error message is shown below as viewed on each device. It was working fine until today.



p.s. Running 3.8.12 on both devices

Have you tried rebooting the devices? It looks like a file read operation failed for some reason. It's unable to access the database file it's trying to read. The file may be locked...

Sorry, I should have thought of that. Rebooting the iPad, which is the side that reported the error, fixed it.

I noticed that both client and server should the complete message at the same time now. Before, the client used to be done a lot sooner, and I would wonder what the server is doing since it already updated the client. Anyway, this time they both hit the finish line at the same time :-) 

Thanks, and sorry!
I'm glad to hear that fixed it. I did make a lot of changes to the way the status log (the text at the bottom) is populated so that it updates faster, and this helps prevent delays on the server device. That may be part of it.
