Would it be possible to synchronize the configuration settings of a song's metronome for the entire library? Also, is there an option to automatically start the metronome for each song where it is configured? One last question, what is the parameter for .cho files so that the tempo is added automatically
To automatically start the metronome when a sing is loaded:-
- Display the song
- Tap centre of screen
- Tap metronome icon (2nd from bottom right)
- Set speed as required
- Tap Metronome settings icon (top left of dialog)
- Set Auto Start to On
- OK
If required. you can set for all songs in a SetList (I prefer to do them individually)
Depending on what you are displaying, you might want to shift the metronome to the very top of the page (tap middle icon when displaying the Metronome Dialog and set "Vertical Offset" to -33).
If you know all songs have a speed set, you could display the songs page, long press one of the songs until the checkbox shows, select all songs by pressing the empty checkbox (near bottom right) and create a temporary setlist using the "Create SetList from Songs" option (3 vertical dots at top right). Having created the temporary setlist, display it, choose a song in the list, go to it's metronome setting dialog and "Apply To All Songs In SetList". Having set the auto start for all songs, delete the temporary setlist.
Can't help with your other questions.