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Full Version: Multi-User feature for annotations
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First: Great tool!

But: How can more than one musician make his personal annotations on same i.e., chord sheet and save it in a common cloud drive?

We use the tool with 5 musicians (Bass, Guitar1, Guitar2, Keys, Drums). We all need different annotations.
When we sync to a common cloud drive, the last annotation will be lost, because they will be overwritten. 

In the moment, we separated all our databases and add new chords manually what's a little uncomfortable and failure-risky.

Is there an ability to assign annotations to users?
Is there a solution available or planned?

First of all: Great tool!

But: How to deal with personal annotation and a common database?

We use 4 tablets (Guitar 1/2, Keys, Bass) with the same chords (as .pdf's) and every musician has made his own annotations on his tablet. 

When we sync back to the cloud drive, the annotations will be overwritten by the tab who synced last. 

Is there a way to keep all annotations (user-based) alive when using a common cloud drive?

For the moment, we have one common source and manually add new chords what's unkomfortable, failure-risky and leads sometimes to different index numbers...

You can uncheck the option to synchronize annotations when performing the sync to the cloud folder. That should let each musician keep their own annotations. In the future, song versions would be another way to handle this (this has been discussed in other threads).

THX for the hint. This could work.

In that case, the annotation could only be saved by making a manual back-up using the companion tool. 
Would be nice to have an ability for back-ups on a cloud based solution in the future.
You could make a Backup on your device, Dropbox, Google drive or onedrive. 
Check settings->  Backup and restore