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I have a song with two pages of the part placed in one pdf file. Is there a way in Mobile sheets to split the pages, or do i need to do that in a pdf editor before loading the song? (i use MS on android)[attachment=2478]
Looks like you have 2 pages side by side.

You could use the song editor to duplicate the "big page" and then crop each page to show just half the picture.

Long press the song in the library display
Select edit
Select the Files tab
Set page order to 1,1

Display the song
Tap centre of screen and choose crop  (2nd icon from left at bottom of screen, first item)
Crop first page and save
Tap right hand of page and repeat for 2nd page

Alternatively, perform the editing on the pc and reimport a 2 page version

What Geoff has recommended is exactly the best thing to do here. This tutorial video has a demonstration of repeating pages and cropping the repeated pages differently:

The next update is adding an option that, after you've changed the page order, you can save that order as a new PDF if you prefer that over having a complicated page order.

(10-11-2023, 03:02 AM)Geoff Bacon Wrote: [ -> ]Looks like you have 2 pages side by side.

You could use the song editor to duplicate the "big page" and then crop each page to show just half the picture.

Long press the song in the library display
Select edit
Select the Files tab
Set page order to 1,1

Display the song
Tap centre of screen and choose crop  (2nd icon from left at bottom of screen, first item)
Crop first page and save
Tap right hand of page and repeat for 2nd page

Alternatively, perform the editing on the pc and reimport a 2 page version

That works. Thank you.
(10-11-2023, 03:38 AM)Zubersoft Wrote: [ -> ]What Geoff has recommended is exactly the best thing to do here. This tutorial video has a demonstration of repeating pages and cropping the repeated pages differently:

The next update is adding an option that, after you've changed the page order, you can save that order as a new PDF if you prefer that over having a complicated page order.


thank you