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Full Version: Metronome Size
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Hi, I would like to use Mobilesheets on 2 devices:
  • my Tablet for the sheets
  • my phone as metronome (visual only)

I managed to pair them via bluetooth, but the visual metronome on my phone is too small.
Can there be a feature to increase the size of the metronome?
That's certainly something I can consider supporting (for certain display modes) when time allows. The default display mode (LED) will scale the LED sizes down in order to fit on the screen if needed, so depending on the settings of the metronome, you could still run into an issue with that on a phone.

Hi Olli,

You might also want to try out "Glow"-mode instead of "LEDs", if you haven't yet. You find that one by opening the metronome (-settings), then selecting the second icon from the left in the top bar (looks like a picture). I think glow cannot easily be overlooked Wink

(10-31-2023, 07:11 AM)MB10 Wrote: [ -> ]Hi Olli,

You might also want to try out "Glow"-mode instead of "LEDs", if you haven't yet. You find that one by opening the metronome (-settings), then selecting the second icon from the left in the top bar (looks like a picture). I think glow cannot easily be overlooked Wink

thanks for the tip  Heart