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Full Version: Sharpen Image for an entire PDF?
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I use a workflow like this: for every multi-song multi-page fakebook I prepare a CSV file.
Each of my CSV files contains an entry ~NameOfTheBook (complete) with SourceTypes=Fakebook to import the complete book for paging through the book or searching a song via PDF bookmarks and an entry ~NameOfTheBook - TOC with SourceTypes=TOC that shows the table of content. And the usual line for each song.
I import via CSV import just the songs I really want to use plus the whole book and the TOC.
The tilde ~ at the beginning of these special song title entries sorts these entries to the beginning of the list on the songs tab, the SourceTypes simplify applying filters.
Take a look into one of the CSV files that I shared in the forum to see an example.
Hi again Mike,
just a follow-up on the image correction.

I've just done some visual comparisons between the before and after PDF files and I found:
  1. The corrected file is some 12% smaller (it lost around 9Mb)
  2. The pages are "clearer" - there is less, umm, "smudging".  I.E the small spots here and there that often appear in less than perfect scans.  This probably explains the smaller PDF.
  3. The bits that are supposed to be there seem unchanged.  I was expecting a darkening as I get with "Image correction" "Sharpen Image" in the page overlay but this seems not to be the case.

Is this consistent with how you've designed the software?

Thanks mate.

<edit in italics>
(11-26-2023, 09:45 AM)itsme Wrote: [ -> ]I use a workflow like this: for every multi-song multi-page fakebook I prepare a CSV file.
~NameOfTheBook (complete) with SourceTypes=Fakebook
~NameOfTheBook - TOC with SourceTypes=TOC

Hi itsme,
strangely enough I've used a couple of your CSV files (had to alter them to match page numbers in my particular PDFs) so I've seen the entries you mentioned and how they work.

Nevertheless, I failed to think of using similar entries when I made the CSV for this PDF.  Thanks for the reminder.  Wonder how many times It'll take for me to remember to do it on a regular basis  Rolleyes

Might be time to make a template CSV file...

Thanks mate.
The image correction software is utilizing third party software that does the heavy lifting for correcting images. Among other things, it applies a color filter (so a grayscale page is produced instead of color), and grayscale images use less data than a colored image, which is why your file is smaller after using the image correction. As far as "darkening" the image, if you are hoping to enhance the clarity of the page by darkening text/lines/notes, etc, there isn't an option in the third party software to do that. That's going to require some custom image processing. I have researched this a little as another user asked for this, but it will involve having to use the OpenCV library to apply various algorithms to the image. It's not a trivial effort unfortunately, but it's on my list of things to do once time allows.

Hey Mike,
good to know.

As for the planned update to allow darkening, that sounds good.

Be well mate.
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