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Full Version: Some UI glitches
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First of all I have to express a big "thank you". I am using MobileSheets on my MaxLumi for more than 3 years. During all my rehearsals and concerts it was 100 % reliable and it becomes better with every update!

During the last view days I noticed some UI glitches in the annotation settings (see attached image). 

1. The input box for the "time between saves" gets too small. I think this is because of the german translation, which is longer than the english original. Maybe this problem also exists in other languages.

2. The tooltips are placed at the left edge, which is strange. Shouldn't the tooltip arrow be aligned with the question mark?

3. Different text sizes are used. Texts with input or select boxes are larger than texts with check boxes.

Abbreviating "Sekunden" would be an easy fix: "Zeit zwischen den Speicherungen (in Sek.):"
Thanks, I've fixed all of that for the next update.

Version 3.8.26 with the fixes was released and I installed it. Most of the UI glitches are fixed, but there remains something strange with the tooltips. It can best be seen in screen captures. You will see only one of the tooltips is placed differently

I thought that it could be because of my changed dpi-settings. Because of that I changed to "use apps original dpi". The placement of the tooltips is completely different, but there also is this one tooltip which behaves different.

I do not know if this is something special with Onyx devices or if this is the same on all android tablets. It seems there is going on something strange with the calculation of the tooltip position.
Interesting - it doesn't behave that way on my normal Android tablet. I'll run some more tests today on my BOOX Max Lumi to see if I encounter the same issues you are seeing.



I reproduced the issue on my BOOX tablet and I have a fix in place now. Thanks!