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Full Version: Metronomen - preferred Instrument settings / comment
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I'm using the Metronome very often - but I use it alway with HiHat an Accent on beat.
Alway another Wood Stick (don't know how it's called exactly since I use German Version) is preselected,
Each new Song I have to change it.

Brilland would be a Comment on actual Setting - so if I have diffent Settings Stored, I can retrieve Info, why I have
several Metronome setting (for Example: "Aktual Training Speed", "Band 1", "Band 2"

Nice addon would be an Accent on 2 instead of 1
I have the same request and question:

Is there a setting for a default sound pack, that is used when I configure the metronome for a song.

I want to use "digital" as default, but "wooden" is the default and I must change it for every song.

Best regards,

I haven't had time to work on adding a way to set up defaults for the metronome, but it's on my list of things to do.

GREAT - Thanx