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I like the placement of the page slider, is it possible to have the first page slider have the same color as subsequent pages.

In my case page 1: dot is white, slider scale is grey.
                 page2: dot is white, slider scale blue.

I would like a blue scale on page one as well.

Thanks Mike

Have a great week-end.
The blue is showing the current progress. Load a song with 5 pages, and if you turn to page 3/5, it will be blue for 50% of it. That's just how the iOS progress bar works. If you are saying you want different shades of blue, I think the contrast between the two would be a major problem, and might be especially bad for color-blind people.

I didn't word very good what I wanted to say.

Quite a few pieces that I have the slider and progress bar on page one seems to disappear.

On subsequent pages it stands out more due to the added color.

No big deal.
I purposely tried to make it less distracting for users that leave the bar up all the time, but I'm not opposed to making the bar slightly darker. 

Please don't change it for me alone.