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Full Version: TEXT FILE SETTINGS / Tab Size visible invisible
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Hello Mike

I've been working with Chordpro for about 3 weeks now and have already converted about 250 songs from my old Word documents saved in PDF to Chordpro.
I really like it. Especially the ability to transpose and display different things depending on the band member. Our singer doesn't need chords, but she can increase the font size for the lyrics.
I also included tabs in my songs. There is an option to set the tab size in the TEXT FILE SETTINGS. As not all band members need these tabs, it is desirable to be able to turn them off completely with the eye (as with Title, Meta, Lyric, and Chord size).
Thanks for the good work and best regards
I'll have to rework the settings UI at some point, as there are starting to be too many settings. When I do that, I can look into supporting more options for things like this.
