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Full Version: Special Characters in Serach
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Is it possible for the Search Function to not ignore special characters such as _ ( ) etc. as there maybe situations where these symbols are used in Song Names/Titles for a special reason.  I have song sheets that I use the (M) at the end of a song name to indicate that this sheet is a modified version of another sheet with the identical name and right now I cannot find all the modified sheets under this criteria because if i search for (M) in the song name, all the songs with the character M will show up as the ( ) is ignored by the search.
I recommend using a database field e.g. Source_Type or a custom field instead of encoding it in the song title. If you want to see it in the lists use song title formatting.
Adding an option to make a search "literal" is on my list of things to do at some point (when I rework the filters a bit).

Thanks Itsme for the suggestion and thanks Mike for considering adding this Option.