Hi Mike,
On my Android devices, when trying to edit an abc file, the last line of the file is hidden behind the virtual keyboard and as result it cannot be edited. (MS 3.9.1)
iOS is fine. Have not tried Windows.
Is there a transpose option planned for abc files ?
There seems to be an transpose button in the edit window. But it does not seem to be functional.
Though editing with %%transpose works for me. No problem with the last lines either. (yes, I now that's outdated syntax. Still works for me though).
For now MS is very picky which of my ABC files it is importing or not. I'm not sure why some fail to import and others aren't.
I will look into the keyboard issue. As far as transposing, I can look into it, but it would basically boil down to me just injecting a %%transpose%% entry dynamically into the file contents, as that is the only interface available to me, so you can manually enter this yourself in the meantime.
BRX - can you send me some of the abc files that aren't working for you? You may recall that I mentioned using the older application for rendering the abc files to svg, so hopefully that isn't the limiting factor here. I am going to look into seeing if I can get away with invoking javascript through different interfaces on each platform. If that works, then I may ditch my current approach, which could improve the abc support.
BRX - as mentioned in another thread, MobileSheets is failing if the file is not encoded with UTF-8. If it's encoded with UTF-8-BOM, for example, it will fail. Can you verify if your files are encoded with just UTF-8? Notepad++ can show the current encoding and switch it.
Hi Mike,
in answer to your question in the other thread: My files are UTF-8.
I attach one of the files that failed to import though it is UTF-8 coded. (I renamed it to .txt since the forum doesn't allow abc attachments).
(09-27-2024, 04:15 AM)Zubersoft Wrote: [ -> ]As far as transposing, I can look into it, but it would basically boil down to me just injecting a %%transpose%% entry dynamically into the file contents, as that is the only interface available to me, so you can manually enter this yourself in the meantime.
Thanks for the response.
I did not intend the question as a change/feature request, I was just curious if something like that was in the pipeline.
The only transpose I can find in abc is a parameter in the Key keyword ("K:C transpose=2") but that only affects playback, not the notes in the score or the chord names.
BRX is right though, there is a transpose button in the abc file editor in MS on Windows. It does change (a random ?) part of the score text ... The transpose button is not there on Android.
Not that important.
Forget I asked
Rudy, you're mistaken.
The (deprecated but working) parameter
%%transpose [x/-x] transposes the score (there's another newer parameter I'm not remembering without looking it up that does the same)
%%transpose 1
transposes one half note up
%%transpose -1
one half note down.
And Mike means to insert this command dynamically with a button or something since that's the easiest way to do such a transpose.
But you can do it manually already by editing the abc source by inserting this parameter. It works in MSP. I tried it.
[So many nice things you can do by editing ABC and change your score on the fly and have it immediately displayed. I'm very exited the feature is here now and eager to work the kinks out with Mike]
Thanks BRX!
I did not find this %%transpose command in the abc 2.1 specs, but I tried it and it does exactly what I wanted to achieve.
ABC seems very powerful indeed, but coming from MuseScore, there is quite a bit of a learning curve to overcome ...
I recommend to have a look at Jef Moine's abc2svg and his online editor and associated web pages at
IMHO it's the most advanced ABC program and has a lot of nice features (for instance the %%grid parameter I suggested to Jef and he kindly put it into his program).
Sadly Mike can't use abc2svg for MS and decided to use the older program created by Jef abcm2ps which he isn't developing any further bugfixing it so it doesn't have the new stuff.
But it is great to have at least abcm2ps in MS.
I'm often looking in
for capabilities and parameters of abc2svg.
That looks to me like it's using some of the newer syntax only supported by abc2svg. Until I've had time to see if I can somehow embed a javascript engine to utilize that, I'm not sure you'll be able to load files like that.
I haven't ruled out supporting abc2svg yet. I just need some time to investigate integrating a javascript engine (there are third party open source libraries for this), and then seeing how it's all going to work with generating the output files, as I need it to be synchronous in nature.
That would be tremendous.
Yes, that's true.
But shouldn't then the unknown parameters just be ignored?
The abc file does display for example in EasyABC (which uses abc2psm) or in
https://michaeleskin.com/abctools/abctools.html (which is a great new webeditor which works offline too and uses abcjs).
But there's something weird and maybe there's a different cause.
I tried a different file on my other PC (both run Win10).
On both Blue turning grey wasn't imported.
But the attached ABC file (How can you leave me which contains abc2svg syntax too) was imported on one and not on the other. Can you make something of that?
It may have to do with the size of the application window. I think the abc library bails if the available width is too small.