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Full Version: Smart Button option request
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I would like to request a Smart Button that will start the metronome at a specific tempo.

In other words I would like the ability to create a Smart Button that starts the metronome, and I would like to specify the tempo that the metronome plays at when I create the button.

I have several uses for this feature.  Sometimes I play a piece that opens at a fast tempo, and then has a slower tempo in the middle, it would be nice to be able to just click the appropriate button to get each tempo that I need.

A more common scenario is that many of my method books have multiple exercises on the same page.  I practice each exercise at a specific tempo and it would be nice if I could create a preset button for each exercise.

This is obviously not a mission critical request, it's just a "nice to have" request.

Thanks so much,

Hi Steve,

I'm looking exactly for the same feature. Multiple smart buttons in one song, which start and stop the metronom with a different tempo. That would be great.

BR, Thomas