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Full Version: Regarding backup file names.
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In recent companion apps, the backed up file name will be 'MobileSheetsBackup_YYYY-MM-DD.msb'.
If you back up locally on a tablet, the file will be created with the name 'MobileSheets_YYYY-MM-DD.msb'.

If you have no other intention, it will be easier to read if you standardize the name to 'MobileSheetsBackup_YYYY-MM-DD.msb'.

It's not a big deal, so think about it when you're doing something else.

Sure, I can standardize the name.

Hi Mike,
for those of us using multiple libraries, would it be possible to include the library name in the filename too?
I'm going to need to hear feedback from more users on that. That is not information the companion app has access to (it doesn't know what library is active on the tablet, so that would require changes to send that information over, creating incompatibilities with older versions), but it's certainly something I can do in the tablet app itself. I just need to know whether everyone wants that to be the default behavior.  As far as the format, I'm thinking it would be 

<library name>_YYYY_MM_DD.msb

to ensure that it's not overly verbose/long. MobileSheets_<library name>_YYYY_MM_DD.msb seems like it could result in some fairly long file names.

Hi Mike,
your suggested filename format works for me.

As for the companion app, as we can nominate the filename anyway it's less of an issue, although a reminder of some kind about the library name would help.  Especially if it can be extracted from MS.