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Full Version: View two half-pages as one page
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Since MS already has the ability to show different halves of pages on 1 page (by the turn feature) I thought this might be not so hard to implement and useful to some (and me).

There are quite a lot of fakebooks which don't bother writing songs over two pages even if it's only 2 lines on each pages. Economic use of printing space I guess.

Maybe there's a way to show them in MSĀ as 1 page with no need to turn over?

This could be indicated with brackets for instance for the shown pages like


so that 4 and 5 as half pages would be shown as 1 page.
If you are using the half page display mode in portrait and you have pages that take up less than half the height of the screen, they will be put together on the same page, exactly as you describe. Just make sure you crop the pages so that they are around half the size of the screen height or less.
True. But I was thinking of showing 2 half pages as one even in full page turn mode, alternating with full pages as one page without having to use the half page turn page for one song so to speak.
Unfortunately, unless I dynamically generated a new PDF file from the page range, this would be quite difficult to implement with my current architecture. The vertical scrolling mode would be another way to utilize cropping to have all the pages shown without wasted space.
I hadn't tried the vertical scrolling mode. If it's too difficult to implement I can well live with that workaround. Not as nice as the feature I envisoned, but workable :-)

(12-22-2015, 10:19 PM)BRX Wrote: [ -> ]I hadn't tried the vertical scrolling mode. If it's too difficult to implement I can well live with that workaround. Not as nice as the feature I envisoned, but workable :-)


I use the vertical scrolling mode for this purpose, and also when only a small part of the page is used for repeats/etc.