Is anyone using Mobile Sheets on a tablet capable of displaying two full-size A4 sheets side-by-side (more or less, doesn't have to be exactly the same size)? I am looking for one such. If it had a stylys too, I'd be delighted.
I use a HP Slate 21.5" to display two pages side by side, and even on a screen that big, I can't view two full-size A4 sheets due to it using a widescreen aspect ratio. It's almost identical to having two 10" tablets side by side in terms of the page sizes. So you would either need to find a 4:3 tablet around 21", or you'd have to find a widescreen tablet that's around 23-24" or larger. The only Android tablet around 24" that I know of is the Nabi Big Tab. I know one user bought this tablet, removed most of the standard stuff on it, and was able to run MobileSheetsPro, so it might be an option worth considering.
(05-11-2016, 03:02 AM)Zuberman Wrote: [ -> ]I use a HP Slate 21.5" to display two pages side by side, and even on a screen that big, I can't view two full-size A4 sheets due to it using a widescreen aspect ratio. It's almost identical to having two 10" tablets side by side in terms of the page sizes. So you would either need to find a 4:3 tablet around 21", or you'd have to find a widescreen tablet that's around 23-24" or larger. The only Android tablet around 24" that I know of is the Nabi Big Tab. I know one user bought this tablet, removed most of the standard stuff on it, and was able to run MobileSheetsPro, so it might be an option worth considering.
How difficult would it be to add functionality for MobileSheetsPro to use and control two tablets simultaneously?
So if you wanted two A4 pages you would buy two large enough 4:3 aspect ratio tablets and have them side by side?