Stamps are only available in black. Why?
It would be good to be able to place stamps in different colors (for example for high lighting) like all other annotations.
This is mainly a limitation to how I designed stamps originally. I'm currently using bitmap images, which don't scale well. While I could add code to tint the image to a different color, I think the result might be subpar. My goal is to replace stamps with a musical font instead, which is what most other programs do. Once I make this change, it will be as simple as changing the text color to change the stamp color.
(05-28-2016, 08:33 AM)Zuberman Wrote: [ -> ]... My goal is to replace stamps with a musical font instead, which is what most other programs do. Once I make this change, it will be as simple as changing the text color to change the stamp color. ...
This would be great! Thanks.