There are really cheap bluetooth devices (around 5 Euro) with two buttons. They are made for taking selfies and simulate two keyboard buttons. The large button controls the volume (which triggers a photo in most photo apps), the second one is Enter. The Enter button works fine, but the "large one" triggers the volume control of my android tablet (checked it on different tablets with Android 4.4 and 5.1).
I would like to have an option to redirect the volume button to "page turning only" instead of the "volume control". I believe this is possible as I have a number of apps which redirect the volume key on the phone to e.g. zooming.
These selfie buttons are so cheap and a good basis for creating inexpensive page turning devices.
I could be wrong, but shouldn't MobileSheete allow you to determine the function of any key/button press of a Bluetooth device?
I'm currently using Bluetooth keyboards as my input system(s), and the key's 'normal' function(s) don't matter. (until I need to input text somewhere, but that's different matter...)
I re-read your post, and now see the problem. It seems to be a hardware or Android issue that I doubt Mike could over-ride.
I could be wrong, it happened once before...
You should be able to assign the volume buttons to pedal actions, but currently, my app is not consuming the button press, so it's passed back to the OS which will then still adjust the volume. I have a fix in place so that in the next update, if you press the volume button, it will just perform the action you want without adjusting the tablet volume. Be aware that this means you won't be able to adjust your tablet volume with those buttons while using MS Pro. If you want to adjust the media player volume, you'll have to do it using the volume control on the player itself.
(08-25-2016, 02:57 AM)Zuberman Wrote: [ -> ]Be aware that this means you won't be able to adjust your tablet volume with those buttons while using MS Pro.
May I assume this depends on whether the volume control has actually been assigned to a pedal action?
Yes, the volume button press will only be consumed if it's mapped to an action.
(08-25-2016, 02:57 AM)Zuberman Wrote: [ -> ]You should be able to assign the volume buttons to pedal actions, but currently, my app is not consuming the button press, so it's passed back to the OS which will then still adjust the volume. I have a fix in place so that in the next update, if you press the volume button, it will just perform the action you want without adjusting the tablet volume. Be aware ...
Thank you Mike, that sounds perfect!
Just update to version 1.5.6 to test it out.
Tested the new version and it works like a charm. Thank you!