I am having an issue with keeping my Samsung Note 10.1 (2014) connected to my AirTurn PED while using MobileSheets.
It connects just fine and works great but every little bit it disconnects and reconnects. I might work for a couple of minutes or maybe a few seconds. It reconnects generally quick but not always.
I've read different forums including Samsung's and the general suggestion was to do a "Factory Reset" on my Note. I did that and it still happens.
I've got a
video of the problem. It's not great but you can see the blue light blink on the AirTurn and on my Note screen you can see that it's "Connected to input device". Then at about thirteen seconds in the blue light blinks quickly and the screen changes to say "Paired". Then the blue light goes back to a slow blink and the screen once again reads "Connected to input device". It will not turn the page when the light is blinking fast. It repeats this again a few seconds later.
When I'm playing a piece and want to turn the page if the the PED has broken contact briefly it won't turn the page until it reconnects, not good.
Thanks in advance for any suggestions and comments.
This is probably a ridiculous suggestion but have you tried new batteries in the pedal?
Hi KennyB,
The usual cause for this behaviour is radio frequency interference from another source. Unfortunately Bluetooth shares the same frequency band as so many other things (2.4 GHz band). This is an unlicenced and therefore unregulated band allocated for short range industrial, domestic and medical use including, but not limited to, alarm systems; cordless speakers/headphones; microwave cookers; garage door openers; etc, etc.... With some equipment you can change the frequency channel - but not with Bluetooth I'm afraid.
You could try to identify any other equipment in the vicinity that might be the cause and isolate it - if you have WiFi turned on, is it set to use the 2.4 GHZ or 5 GHz band? (5 GHz would better if available , otherwise turn off WiFi). Additionally, a near neighbour might be using something - you can obviously do nothing about that!
The only definitive cure is to use a wired pedal such as the BiLiPro (my choice) rather than Bluetooth.
Yep, after some frustration and scary gig situation,s I switched (back) to the BiliPro as well. I have had virtually no problems since.
I should also have pointed out that AirTurn pedals should only be used with Bluetooth 4.0 onwards (Smart Ready) hardware. If your tablet/computer has a Bluetooth version less than 4.0, you WILL get periodic dropouts if no data is sent for a while. Bluetooth 4.xx however, because it is an ultra low power system will stay paired indefinitely (until the battery dies anyway!) and does not need to go to sleep like earlier versions.
So if no BT4 then no AirTurn!
(01-19-2017, 01:56 AM)Ayeff Wrote: [ -> ]Addendum:
I should also have pointed out that AirTurn pedals should only be used with Bluetooth 4.0 onwards (Smart Ready) hardware. If your tablet/computer has a Bluetooth version less than 4.0, you WILL get periodic dropouts if no data is sent for a while. Bluetooth 4.xx however, because it is an ultra low power system will stay paired indefinitely (until the battery dies anyway!) and does not need to go to sleep like earlier versions.
So if no BT4 then no AirTurn!
My tablet is 4.0 so should work.
(01-18-2017, 07:14 PM)Ayeff Wrote: [ -> ]Hi KennyB,
The usual cause for this behaviour is radio frequency interference from another source. Unfortunately Bluetooth shares the same frequency band as so many other things (2.4 GHz band). This is an unlicenced and therefore unregulated band allocated for short range industrial, domestic and medical use including, but not limited to, alarm systems; cordless speakers/headphones; microwave cookers; garage door openers; etc, etc.... With some equipment you can change the frequency channel - but not with Bluetooth I'm afraid.
You could try to identify any other equipment in the vicinity that might be the cause and isolate it - if you have WiFi turned on, is it set to use the 2.4 GHZ or 5 GHz band? (5 GHz would better if available , otherwise turn off WiFi). Additionally, a near neighbour might be using something - you can obviously do nothing about that!
The only definitive cure is to use a wired pedal such as the BiLiPro (my choice) rather than Bluetooth.
Thanks for the info Alan. I've been looking around at the BiliPro and I don't see where it will work with Android. Everything I read says Mac, PC or IOS. Do you know anything different?
(01-19-2017, 03:28 AM)KennyB Wrote: [ -> ] (01-18-2017, 07:14 PM)Ayeff Wrote: [ -> ]Hi KennyB,
The usual cause for this behaviour is radio frequency interference from another source. Unfortunately Bluetooth shares the same frequency band as so many other things (2.4 GHz band). This is an unlicenced and therefore unregulated band allocated for short range industrial, domestic and medical use including, but not limited to, alarm systems; cordless speakers/headphones; microwave cookers; garage door openers; etc, etc.... With some equipment you can change the frequency channel - but not with Bluetooth I'm afraid.
You could try to identify any other equipment in the vicinity that might be the cause and isolate it - if you have WiFi turned on, is it set to use the 2.4 GHZ or 5 GHz band? (5 GHz would better if available , otherwise turn off WiFi). Additionally, a near neighbour might be using something - you can obviously do nothing about that!
The only definitive cure is to use a wired pedal such as the BiLiPro (my choice) rather than Bluetooth.
Thanks for the info Alan. I've been looking around at the BiliPro and I don't see where it will work with Android. Everything I read says Mac, PC or IOS. Do you know anything different?
Yes, it works for me with Hannspree and Azpen. I just needed an adapter to convert regular USB connector to the (I think) a micro USB connector into the tablet. You also have to make sure the USB port is in a good place on tablet so the tablet can be situated correctly with the USB cable inserted.
Hi KennyB,
Yes, the BiLiPro will work with Android - I have the NeoCore E1 and it's fine.
As a previous post said, you will need a micro USB OTG connector to connect it. OTG connectors are widely available for just a few quid.
I don't find the positioning of the micro USB on the tablet to be a problem, 'cos all tablets can be orientated any which way. I also use a tablet holder with a large rubber sucker (8 quid from car accessory shop) stuck to the glass music rest on my Tyros with the USB cable coming out the 'top' and down the back of the keyboard, so it is not in the way at all.
(01-19-2017, 06:57 PM)Ayeff Wrote: [ -> ]Hi KennyB,
Yes, the BiLiPro will work with Android - I have the NeoCore E1 and it's fine.
As a previous post said, you will need a micro USB OTG connector to connect it. OTG connectors are widely available for just a few quid.
I don't find the positioning of the micro USB on the tablet to be a problem, 'cos all tablets can be orientated any which way. I also use a tablet holder with a large rubber sucker (8 quid from car accessory shop) stuck to the glass music rest on my Tyros with the USB cable coming out the 'top' and down the back of the keyboard, so it is not in the way at all.
I thought I should let you all know that my AirTurn PED is now working with my Samsung Galaxy Note 10.1 (2014) with MobileSheets Pro. I did a factory reset on my tablet and I reset the PED. I synced them back up and during a two hour rehearsal last night it didn't lose pairing all night. Hopes are high that it's fixed.
Thanks to everyone for you comments and support.
Glad you're sorted - now I know you've got Bluetooth 4 I think you will be okay with the AirTurn.
Supplemnetary quetion please? Is it possibel to use a USB hub with the Android? I have a need to have MIDI data sent out to a device from MSP and I would like to perhaps use a USB page turner at the same time, hence the need for a USB hub. Also can the wired pedal start and stop the audio playback as the BT-105 can?
You can now get hubs for android, but I don't know how reliable they are. They come in two varieties - OTG hubs (low power devices only) and full hubs with a mains power supply.
Wired pedal can do anything that the AirTurn can (except loose connection!) it all depends on the pedal settings you choose in MSP.