I have been transferring chord pro files into mobilesheets via the companion app. Until recently it is has been working fine, but within the last week I have been experiencing a problem with an extra line being added after every line of text.
Example, this:
[A]Test Test [G]Test
[A]Test Test [G]Test
Results in this:
Test Test Test
Test Test Test
When i view it on the tablet. Also when I edit the file on the tablet after importing the chordpro file includes spaces as well:
Example, this:
[A]Test Test [G]Test
[A]Test Test [G]Test
Results in this:
[A]Test Test [G]Test
[A]Test Test [G]Test
This is consistent for every line of text. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
That's really unusual - I just tried creating a new chord pro file with just the lines you typed above, then imported it using the companion app, and I don't see any extra lines on the tablet. You didn't happen to change the file encoding, did you? It would help to have a list of the settings you may have changed under Settings->Text File Settings. If we can't figure it out, I may need to a copy of a library backup with settings, or a copy of one of the files you've imported that demonstrates this problem.
Can it be related to CR/LF line endings?
(01-22-2017, 04:56 AM)Zuberman Wrote: [ -> ]That's really unusual - I just tried creating a new chord pro file with just the lines you typed above, then imported it using the companion app, and I don't see any extra lines on the tablet. You didn't happen to change the file encoding, did you? It would help to have a list of the settings you may have changed under Settings->Text File Settings. If we can't figure it out, I may need to a copy of a library backup with settings, or a copy of one of the files you've imported that demonstrates this problem.
So in the settings I have wrap text, use multiple columns, place chords above text, use text fields during song creation and modulate capo down checked. Nothing else is checked. I attached a file that is having the issue. All of my .cho files appear to be having an issue.
(01-22-2017, 07:08 PM)sciurius Wrote: [ -> ]Can it be related to CR/LF line endings?
I am relatively new to this whole thing and I am not exactly sure what this is?
Every line in that file you uploaded is separated by a blank line. You have a carriage return at the end of every line followed by a carriage return + line feed. If you use a tool like notepad++, or some other editor that can show you symbols, you will see what I mean. That should be relatively easy to clean up, but I'm curious how the files got formatted that way.
(01-23-2017, 11:03 AM)Zuberman Wrote: [ -> ]....... I'm curious how the files got formatted that way.
Probably through the use of Word, or some other fancy wordprocessing program, since they insert all sorts of weird formatting symbols. If you want a simple text file, don't use a word processor - use a text editor.
(01-23-2017, 11:03 AM)Zuberman Wrote: [ -> ]Every line in that file you uploaded is separated by a blank line. You have a carriage return at the end of every line followed by a carriage return + line feed. If you use a tool like notepad++, or some other editor that can show you symbols, you will see what I mean. That should be relatively easy to clean up, but I'm curious how the files got formatted that way.
Thanks. That helps a lot.