I would like to import a few audio files to add to the current bunch of audio files and can't seem to find how to do it.
The import function does not work with audio files and the audio import is for batch import only.
I could use the filter on batch audio import, but then I have to enter each one individually.
It would be nice to be able to import the same way as chart files, i.e. with check boxes.
I have moved the audio files in the same folder as my other audio files.
In doing a batch import, the program re-imports all the files that are already in the database, not just the new files.
I could make another folder with just the new files, but then I will eventually end up with way too many folders.
Or am I missing something?
So I'm assuming you want to import audio files into the application to create songs with blank pages (the same way the batch audio import works)? If so, the roundabout way of doing this is to go to the songs tab, tap "New" to go to the song editor, tap the blank page icon on the files tab (the bottom most icon next to the file list), add 1 blank page, then go to the audio tab, add your audio file, go to the fields tab, enter a title, then tap OK to save the song.
If you batch import the same directory multiple times, it absolutely should not create duplicates in your library so long as "avoid duplicate songs" is checked. Of course, this is only true if you haven't changed the storage settings. If you enabled something like "Add Unique Id to Filenames", then you effectively can't have duplicate songs, and that feature won't work.
Thanks for your reply, Mike.
OK, I found the problem. I have "Let MobileSheets manage my files" unchecked, so "unique ID" is not available as an option.
I was going to wait to get more familiar with the program before checking this option.
So I guess I may have painted myself in a corner.
What is going to happen if I check this now that I have over 3300 files in MS?
Will MS copy all my files in new folders?
If it does, maybe it will be OK, as long as it keeps all my info, setlists, collections, annotations, etc.
If you uncheck "Let Mobilesheets manage my files", then you also won't get any errors about duplicate songs. I may actually want to rethink this behavior, as even people who manage their own files and folders will want a way to import and ignore files that already exist in their library.
If you check that option now, you will have a mix of files that you managed yourself, and all future imports will be managed by MobileSheetsPro. I suggest you leave it unchecked. I will work on adding checks for duplicate files even when "Let MobileSheets Manage My Files" is turned off.
(01-24-2017, 08:39 AM)Zuberman Wrote: [ -> ]If you uncheck "Let Mobilesheets manage my files", then you also won't get any errors about duplicate songs. I may actually want to rethink this behavior, as even people who manage their own files and folders will want a way to import and ignore files that already exist in their library.
If you check that option now, you will have a mix of files that you managed yourself, and all future imports will be managed by MobileSheetsPro. I suggest you leave it unchecked. I will work on adding checks for duplicate files even when "Let MobileSheets Manage My Files" is turned off.
Wow, thanks for this Mike!
I will wait and import one at a time in the meantime.