I don't use the Album/Book for any info...any chance to have an option that allows that information to not display? Seeing unknown in my song lists is making the A.D.D. part of my brain itchy!
Also, did you remove the "instrument" dropdown that I see in some screenshots? I play multiple instruments, and have been using the Custom dropdown to specify which instrument the chart is for...
Thank you for such a great product! You've allowed me to stay away from IJunk a little longer!!!
In the next update, I'm going to allow users to choose what data they want display to display for song entries. Also, Artist/Album/Genre/etc will all become completely optional. If you don't provide that data for a given song, then nothing will be shown in the caption. I'm still trying to figure out how to make the display options for the song labels intuitive, as it could very easily become too complex for most people to want to mess with. I want people to be able to configure it through a user interface so that they can just tap the fields they care about seeing, along with maybe an option for how to separate the data, but I also want a more advanced mode so people could enter something like
%Title% - %Custom% [%Key%]
{IFEXIST Composer}%Composer%${ELSE}%Artist%${ENDIF}
To display the title, custom field, and key (with brackets around it) on the top line, and to display composer on the bottom line if it's set for the current song, else Artist will be used. I obviously need to think through this some more to decide just how powerful I want it to be, as I don't want to negatively affect performance at all.
As a side note, in the next update, you will be able to select multiple values for any of the fields (artist, composer, album, genre, source type, etc). This obviously means that on the library screen you could potentially see multiple values displayed for any of the fields.
To answer your question - yes, I did remove instrument, as there wasn't enough space on the screen for every option. In the next update, I've added not only a second custom field, but a custom group that you can name. The custom group is like Artists/Albums/Genres in that you can assign songs to one of the custom groups, and view it like you currently do Artists/Albums/Genres on the library screen it will have it's own tab). You could name this custom group "Instruments" if you wanted to, and then easily see songs grouped by instrument. Likewise, I also expanded the Source Type field to allow any user values. People can delete the defaults, or add new ones if they want, so you could use that field for instrument as well. I'm hoping this will let people manage their library any way they choose.