Hello!, when i´m on songs fields, and i want jump to letter R with the sidebar (example), i can jump but if after that, i want jump to letter D (example),it´s not work. The jump to letter sidebar dont work for me.
I´m playing this week everynight and use it wit my tablet, but i have to search the song scrolling.
Any ideas?
Apologize for my english

I can't seem to reproduce this problem. Can anyone else reproduce it? I made need a database file or library backup file (preferred) if it's related to a combination of settings and song titles.
Zuberman,where can i send you my library backup file?
If it's small enough, you can email it to mike@zubersoft.com. Otherwise, you would need to upload it to cloud storage and then send the shared link to that email address.
(06-18-2017, 03:54 AM)Zuberman Wrote: [ -> ]If it's small enough, you can email it to mike@zubersoft.com. Otherwise, you would need to upload it to cloud storage and then send the shared link to that email address.
Ok, i´ll send you today.
Did you email me the backup file? I can't seem to find an email from you, or I've happened to misplace it.
Yes,i send you two day ago.I send you again Mike.
I got it this time. I don't know what happened to the other email... I'll let you know what I find.
So I restored your backup file, but I can't reproduce the issue you are seeing, so it must be specific to your device. What kind of device are you currently using and what Android OS version is it running?
The tablet is Chuwi vi10 pro with Android 4.4.4, it´s old tablet.
In the meantime, if you universe of songs you may play at a gig is smaller than your full data base of songs, you might want to create a set list or collection of the songs you might play at the gig(s) (so you don't have to search through all your songs).
Also, maybe you could use the "search" option for a particular song until this is sorted out (just trying to be helpful).
I've tested on five different tablets now, and I can't reproduce this issue on any of them. I'm really not sure what to try at this point... Have you considered backing up your library, reinstalling and seeing if the problem still exists? No else one seems to be reporting the problem either, which leads me to believe it must be specific to that device.
Also, are you using the large alphabet letters, or the default size? Have you tried toggling that setting under Settings->Library Settings to see if it makes a difference?
I fix it!!!!.I´ll going to try explain how did it.Apologize for my english.
The last night i was reading a pdf at the tablet and i notive that my launcher, go launcher ex, has a right sidebar hidden.
I thought that it may be the cause.I disable it and open the mobilesheets and...bingo!,now its work.
I´m sorry man,make you spend time.