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Full Version: Impressive on Windows 10 "2-in-1"
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I'm a long-retired (since 2004) software engineer morphed into a church pianist.   One church group I support does live sing-alongs in nursing homes and we've assembled a 200-song "hymn book".   That's a BIG 3-ring binder.

Working on a laptop/tablet (Lenovo Flex 5), I bought an AirTurn DUO and was trying to figure out how to "program it" so the foot pedal would return me to the set list when the one-page song is done.

Then RTFM and discover that the Touch/Pedal settings has a programmable TOUCH SCREEN.  Wow...I can change songs in a couple of touches....much faster than any human can page thru a 3-ring binder.

Then the last adjustment:
15.6 in screen in portrait mode and I have to tip my head back because the page is so HIGH....until I make the display position the page at the bottom of the screen.

I surely hope Mike, you're selling a "gazillion copies" because I know there is a lot of software on the market (for other purposes) that couldn't hold a candle to MSheets for the number of useful, effective/efficient 10-100 times more $$$.

I'm glad I didn't fall for the iPad Pro for the same price as my 2-in-1.
I can play the piano with sheet music or record my playing (using ProTools) using the same laptop!  Not sure that is "multi-tasking" but it makes a good case for a great cost-benefit ratio!

I think I was born at least 20-30 years too early!!!  
Keep it going, Mike.
iPad Pro is so overpriced. Couldn't agree more with you on that, Dnuttall.