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actually i use a Samsung Galaxy Tab S with MobileSheets. Now My plan is to switch to iPad Pro.
I don't wanna search for a new app who is running iOS an i don't wanna create a new database with all of My Sheets.

Is there a plan for a MobileSheets Version running with iOS?

Hello Marc,

Yes, I do plan on porting MobileSheets over to iOS. I have to be realistic with the timeline though. It took over a year for the Windows 10 version to be created. I plan on starting on the iOS version early next year. I'm not sure exactly when it will be finished. If you need an app before then, you could consider forScore, as it's considered the best on iOS for sheet music by most.

My opinion I like Mobile Sheets pro for my Android and would love to see and iOS version.  I have an iPad and have been using unReal book for 5 years, it’s great you may want to check it out.
(11-13-2018, 02:54 AM)mhaeussl Wrote: [ -> ]Hello,

actually i use a Samsung Galaxy Tab S with MobileSheets. Now My plan is to switch to iPad Pro.


Did you consider new Google Pixel Slate Tablet? What on earth is having you to switch to iPad?