I have some TXT files that I converted to Chord Pro format using Chordsmith, a java app that I found. It automatically inserted all of the Chord Pro codes from a text file containing chords & lyrics. When I import in to MS, the chords display mostly correctly, the the title and subtitle fields do not (well, none of the "fields" seem to display correctly). For example for title I see {t: Title of Song} rather than Title of Song at the top of the page. Does MS not recognize all of the Chord Pro coding? Or could I be doing something wrong in the text file? Does it matter that the text file is name song.txt? Does it need to be named something like song.pro instead? Thanks. - Rich B
It seems MSPro does not recognize it as a ChordPro file, and renders it as text.
Can you attach such a file?
I've used Chordsmith to convert text files to chordpro, never seen a problem. I suspect this may be a case of the wrong extent?
It does need to be named with .pro, .cho, .chordpro or .chopro. If it's named .txt, it will be treated as a normal text file.
Thanks for everyone's replies. I've attached the file if anyone has a sec to look at it to see if there's an issue. It should just be a regular TXT file. Thanks!
You need to rename that .txt at the end to .cho or .pro. Then it will be interpreted as a chord pro file.
(11-16-2018, 12:33 PM)Zuberman Wrote: [ -> ]You need to rename that .txt at the end to .cho or .pro. Then it will be interpreted as a chord pro file.
OK, I wondered I think I asked if that was something I needed to do in my original post I probably should just have tried it :-)
(11-17-2018, 07:02 AM)rcbjr2 Wrote: [ -> ] (11-16-2018, 12:33 PM)Zuberman Wrote: [ -> ]You need to rename that .txt at the end to .cho or .pro. Then it will be interpreted as a chord pro file.
OK, I wondered I think I asked if that was something I needed to do in my original post I probably should just have tried it :-)
I thought I'd pointed you in you right direction with my reply. Hope you're sorted now?