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Full Version: Lost annotations after restoring page ordering
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Hallo again!

Many times I change page order of an already edited file. The file contains for example 10 pages, but I just want only the first 2 and the last 4 
(1-2, 6-10) to be displayed for a concert.
This function works fine.
The problem is that when I reset the page order, so that I can play all 10 pages of the file in a concert, all annotations made to the pages 3-5 (that was hidden before) are lost. 

The only solution I found until now is to "write annotations to file" before changing the page order, but I would prefare a more "non-destructive" possibility.

Do you have any suggestions?

Long press the song, copy it, change the page order on the copied song, then delete that song after the concert so you have the original again. That's really the only option at the moment if you want to preserve the annotations on pages you've removed. With the annotations rework, I'm investigating an option that will automatically convert between MobileSheets annotations and PDF annotations, so that the annotations can be stored in the PDF instead of the database, but they will still be editable in MobileSheets.

I'll do that!

Thank you very much Mike!