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Full Version: Mobilesheetspro plus Technics KN6000
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I am using Mobilesheetspro version 2.6.7 and keyboard technics KN6000 with harddisc-extension HD-SX6. HD-SX6 allows to enter a "song-select number" e.g. 132-10 to load all the keyboard settings.  Manufacturer of HD-SX6 is out of business. Question is now: What to do /how to set up MSP such that when calling a song the data (settings) are transmitted to the KN6000 ? 
[Image: uab5vuqo_jpg.htm]

If you just need to send a song select MIDI message, long press your song on the library screen, tap "Edit Song", go to the MIDI tab, tap the + button, change the type to Song Select, and enter the number. If you need to send a different kind of MIDI message, then I'll need documentation to know message you need to send.
