I'm using MSP on a Trekstore Theatre K13 tablet. This tablet has a display size of 29,5 x 16,5cm. A landscape display of a DIN A4 page (as necessary for most organ scores) is centered on this display and lets a lot of black space left and right unused. It, however, would be more useful to adjust the page on the left border and display in the right (unused) space the next (about half) page. I searched all forum threads but did not find any hint. Is it possible to adjust pages in MSP in that way? And if not, could this be a feature for a next release?
Yes, I have, but without success:
I would need something like a "one and a half page" mode instead of "one page" or "two page" or "half page"...
I think the main problem here is that if I support showing a part of a page horizontally, it only makes sense if I have a continuous horizontal scrolling mode. Some users have asked for this capability so that they can enlarge music a great deal and read one staff at a time (and I'll try to eventually support automatically breaking up PDFs for this). So it's on my TODO list.
There is a semi-confusing/tedious way you can accomplish this with the app right now. You'd need to lock the rotation in portrait for the song, rotate all the pages 90 degress, switch the display mode to vertical scrolling, rotate the tablet to landscape orientation and then you could use the automatic scrolling or a pedal to continously scroll the pages. It will appear like the pages are scrolling horizontally even though they are scrolling vertically.
Sorry, I have a bit of a problem of understanding.
What's the use of displaying an additional half page in landscape? You're still missing an essential half of the page you can't really preview or play without turning the page or am I misunderstanding?
Showing half (or the next available part) of a page is useful in vertical mode with continuous scrolling (which I use all the time and sometimes pinch the view of the page smaller to have more of the next page visible). But I don't see an advantage in landscape/horziontal mode.
Surely you are right: having two full pages in view every time would be more useful, but my tablet is too small for that. It would be very helpful for me to have at least a glance on the next few bars during sliding to the next page.
Then I suggest you should indeed try the vertical view with continuous scrolling (and maybe cropping to get more of the pages in the display). This way you at least see the top lines of the next page in full lenght.
(11-08-2019, 06:03 PM)Zubersoft Wrote: [ -> ]You'd need to lock the rotation in portrait for the song, rotate all the pages 90 degress, switch the display mode to vertical scrolling, rotate the tablet to landscape orientation and then you could use the automatic scrolling or a pedal to continously scroll the pages. It will appear like the pages are scrolling horizontally even though they are scrolling vertically.
Sorry for the long delay. Now I tried to test your suggestion, but because I'm a newbie I don't know how to "lock the rotation in portrait". Could you please explain in detail?
Sure, load your song, tap the center of the screen to bring up the song overlay, tap the icon at the bottom left that looks like a gallery icon (for display-related features) and tap on the lock option in the list. That will lock whatever tablet orientation is currently active for that particular song. So while viewing that song, the tablet will stay in whatever orientation you locked (so make sure you do this while the tablet is in portrait orientation). If you change songs, it would then unlock and go to whatever orientation the tablet is actually in.
It's really tricky - but it is the feature I wanted to have:
Now I can see some bars on the beginning of the next side, and this is a better feeling during page turning. Would be great if this feature would be easier to access...
Thank you very much!
I'm still hoping that my "one and a half page" feature will be standard in a future release
Until that I'm trying to get as much space on my tablet display as possible, but in landscape format the navigation bar is on the bottom of the screen thus cutting off some of my valuable display space, where on the right and left side is a lot of unused black space.
I did not find any way to change it to vertical instead of horizontal as I can do e.g. with the task bar in windows. Is there any trick to position the navigation bar in another direction?
The navigation bar is an OS level thing - I don't believe you can move that at all. Having said that, if you go to Settings->Display Settings in MobileSheetsPro, there is an option to hide the navigation bar.
Thank you very much, that's what I wanted! I looked for OS features, but MSP does it as well.