I'm new to MS and I'm wondering whether the tabs in the library page (Recent-Songs-Setlists etc) can be customized. I'd like to have a 'Composer' section for easy access. Can those tabs be changed?
Yes, just go to Settings->Library Settings->Tab Selection and Order. You can pick which tabs you want visible. So you would just tap the Composer tab in the list on the right side to add it to the left. You can also drag & drop if you want to specify the exact position for the tab.
(08-07-2020, 07:20 AM)Zubersoft Wrote: [ -> ]Yes, just go to Settings->Library Settings->Tab Selection and Order. You can pick which tabs you want visible. So you would just tap the Composer tab in the list on the right side to add it to the left. You can also drag & drop if you want to specify the exact position for the tab.
Thanks Mike, I missed that despite having looked at the settings
