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Hello ? 

I'd like to share with you a tool that I created to edit my chord charts before importing them in Mobile sheet pro:

It has basic ChordPro import/export functionality.

My workflow:
- find a song I like on Ultimate Guitar, and import it in Chord Chart Studio
- fix it and add the rhythm information
- export it as a ChordPro file
- import it in Mobile Sheets Pro

The editor uses its own chord charts format call ChordMark. Its main advantages versus other formats are:
- it treats rhythm information as a native concern (bar separators anyone?)
- it is much more efficient to write (at least I think)
- it allows to render chord grids as well as usual chord charts with chords + lyrics

The full rationale behind the ChordMark format is explained here.

Thanks for your attention, hope you'll find this interesting!

I've learnt about chordmark format thanks to it's support on Song Master Pro, from Aurally Sound, an incredible transcribing assistant and song learning app.

It's a very well thought and implemented format, which solves a lot of limitations of the old and inefficient Chordpro format. I wish Chordmark gets more attention from the community of musicians in the future, you did a fantastic job and you deserve it. Thanks very much!
ChordPro is not at all "old and inefficient". It is actively developed and maintained, see and
It has got many many precious features like chord grids, support for ABC notation, Pango support and many more.
Alas many features are not yet supported by MobileSheets natively, so I use the PDF export of the ChordPro reference implementation as soon as I need these.
Your right, sorry for using those unfortunate words. I am by no means a Chorpro exper, but I tried to use it many times in the past and gave up, frustrated by its obvious limitations, like the lack of rhythm information (yes, I know that after many years of development recent versions support chord grids)

Still, to me, chordmark has many advantages over chordpro format, specially for the working (not singer-songwriter) musician, and it's way easier, more intuitive, and faster to use too:
(02-09-2022, 06:42 AM)Touffi Wrote: [ -> ]Nice work Christophe,
Here are a few options that could enhance the file before importation to mobilesheets. 
1. Optionally remove leading spaces. 
2. Enable coloring/bolding/italicizing of sections. I wish Mobilesheets editor did this. (Insert <span foreground=#008800>)
3. Remove repeat blank lines.  
(02-09-2022, 06:42 AM)Touffi Wrote: [ -> ]Hey Christopher

Thank you so very much! Just tried it out! Great app. It will save me a lot of time. All the Best!

ChordMark is a nice tool, but most arguments used in The ChordMark story are based on personal preferences and not on real experience with ChordPro.

That's perrfectly okay -- the more tools the more people that enjoy making music and make this a better world.