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Full Version: use parts of pdf in Playlist
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Hi all,
I'm a newbee here and was wondering what the possibilities are when I want to make a playlist of pianopieces (about half an hour duration) but want to use parts of a bigger pdf. In other words I want to skip or hide several parts in a pdf.
Is that possible and if so, whats the way to do this best?
Hope to learn from you!

Best regards,
A setlist in MSP consists of a number of songs.
I assume what you call a "bigger pdf" is a book of piano pieces. If this is correct the way to go is: define a song in MSP for every piece in the book and combine these songs to a setlist as you like.
There are several ways to split a book into separate songs. You can use MSPs song editor to specify the song title and the pages in the PDF that are used by this song. Or prepare a CSV file for your PDF and use this to import the songs into MSP.
Thanks for your repply.
Yes, I mean books with 10 or more songs. I tried to find the options of a song editor. Where is it (in the manual)? Is the solution to cut the pdf in multiple pdf's with every song separated?
As Itsme says, there are several ways to split a book but I think your best bet is to create a .csv file to split the file into separate songs that all share the same single physical pdf file.
The .csv file needs to have the same name as the .pdf and it needs to be located in the same directory.
You then re-import the .pdf and .csv again (you can't apply a .csv file to an existing MSP file)

The contents of the .csv file need to follow a strict format (google "mobilesheets csvfile" for examples).
You may have to repeat the operation a couple of times to get it right so one trick is to include a collection name on each line in the .csv file - you can then filter on this so that you can easily delete the pieces prior to retrying the import. Alternatively, just experiment with 2/3 songs rather than the full 10. This will allow you to select/delete each of the pieces from the Songs tab (the pdf will only be deleted when it has no more references)

PS I have done this but not for a long time.!