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Full Version: Page slider bug?
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I'm in overlay and the page slider is displayed at the bottom of the page above the toolbar.
When I use the slider, a small preview of the pages shows up which is great, but when I release the slider, it goes back to page 1.
Is this by design or a bug?  I would expect to go to the page where I released the slider ... 

The only way to go to a page is to click on he stacked numbers on the right of the slider (or at the top page toolbar) and select a page.
This happens in my e-ink device.  I haven't tried on Android or Windows.
That's definitely not by design, but I don't recall ever seeing that problem. I'll have to run some tests on my BOOX Max Lumi to see if it behaves the same way. Also, please verify that you haven't enabled Settings->Display Settings->Use Page Slider Only for Previewing Pages, because that would behave exactly like you are describing where selecting a page with the slider wouldn't actually change the page.

(09-19-2022, 04:52 PM)Zubersoft Wrote: [ -> ]please verify that you haven't enabled Settings->Display Settings->Use Page Slider Only for Previewing Pages, because that would behave exactly like you are describing where selecting a page with the slider wouldn't actually change the page.

That was it, the setting was enabled.  Its all good now!