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Full Version: ChordPro directives display on page?
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I am unable to find an answer to this problem using search.

I'm interested in displaying ChordPro directives on the page during a performance.  Is it possible to take advantage of the {time:6/8} directive to display the time signature on the page, please?

Not at the moment. There aren't any features to render metadata fields on top of a page. You would need to create a text annotation on the page, or you can edit the chord pro file to add that near the top.

Okay, thanks, Mike!
There is currently a CAPO indicator. This could rather trivially be extended with a format that supports metadata (see ADVANCED SONG TITLE FORMATTING).
Its default value would then be %CAPO:CAPO ${VALUE}%
Thanks, Johan.

Unless I'm not understanding how to apply this to a ChordPro file, this appears to be for the Library display?

I was hoping to take advantage of the metadata within a ChordPro file.
Currently ADVANCED SONG TITLE FORMATTING is used in the library display.

I only suggested to use the same (or similar) formatting for the CAPO string that is displayed on the song display.