MobileSheets for iPad has now been approved and is available for purchase on the Apple store. It's been a long journey to get here, but I am very grateful for all of the help and feedback the testers provided. This should make it much easier for musicians to work together regardless of which type of tablet they want to use. I hope everyone enjoys using MobileSheets on iPadOS!
Congratulation Mike! Wish you lots of sales!
Great job, Mike. Congratulations.
I think you should put in the blurb that it's compatible and syncable to the Android and Windows versions. Apart from IMHO superior usability that's what all the other competitors lack and could be a major selling point, I think.
I'll have to see if Apple will let me include those words in the description. They rejected my first submission because "Android" was listed in it. So I'm not sure if they will allow that. I can put more generic terms in there though indicating that the app supports all platforms.
Maybe you should include the iOS version on the 1st page of your site to go with the 2 already there.
Yes, I was just about to do that - thanks.
(12-17-2022, 09:32 AM)Zubersoft Wrote: [ -> ]I'll have to see if Apple will let me include those words in the description. They rejected my first submission because "Android" was listed in it. So I'm not sure if they will allow that. I can put more generic terms in there though indicating that the app supports all platforms.
I suspected that. But hopefully they let you slip in something like cross platform compatibility and the customers can figure out the rest. (Or we fans have to put it in the customer reviews).
Or stress on the app site that click here for developers site for full details on what the app can do! Sad that Apple is so restrictive about this.
Haven't an Apple, but congrats - a big work is done.
Maybe I make a gift to my son and his iPad and Cello ;-)
Big congrats Mike. Quite an achievement
Thanks Oz! I'm so excited both for the iOS version, and for now being able to focus on new features, as I have been promising people things for a while and I want to deliver on those promises. I'm just grateful for all of the support everyone has given me.
(12-17-2022, 09:32 AM)Zubersoft Wrote: [ -> ]I'll have to see if Apple will let me include those words in the description. They rejected my first submission because "Android" was listed in it. So I'm not sure if they will allow that. I can put more generic terms in there though indicating that the app supports all platforms.
That's why I'll never buy Apple products.
Massive congratulations/thank you for putting so much work in and helping more musicians. I believe it will be as popular as on other platforms.
(12-17-2022, 09:32 AM)Zubersoft Wrote: [ -> ]I'll have to see if Apple will let me include those words in the description. They rejected my first submission because "Android" was listed in it. So I'm not sure if they will allow that. I can put more generic terms in there though indicating that the app supports all platforms.
In den Bewertungen für die App darf man die anderen Plattformen aber erwähnen. Was ich dann auch gleich in einer 5-Sterne Bewertung getan habe :-)