Is it possible to pull the song titles from the PDF metadata (i.e., when importing PDF files that consist of one song per file).
I'm a new user of MobileSheets, and before starting to import my music files, I wrote a batch script to parse the filenames (e.g., to pull the song title "Jersey Bounce" from a filename like"043-Jersey Bounce - Tenor1.pdf") and added them (along with other information) to the PDF metadata.
I figured this would make it easy for MobileSheets to find the titles when doing a batch import, but I couldn't figure out a way to make MobileSheets use the PDF metadata when importing the files. Am I missing something? Is there an easy way (or any way) to get MobileSheets to pull information from the PDF metadata?
This has certainly come up before ( so it's absolutely on my list of things to do. Now that the iOS version is released, I can start working off many of the feature requests on the backlog. I know this doesn't help you in the short term, but it will be added in the near future.
(12-20-2022, 03:47 PM)Zubersoft Wrote: [ -> ]This has certainly come up before ( so it's absolutely on my list of things to do. Now that the iOS version is released, I can start working off many of the feature requests on the backlog. I know this doesn't help you in the short term, but it will be added in the near future.
Sorry, I must have missed that thread. Thanks for the incredibly prompt reply!
Is there some other way to do batch updating of the metadata (e.g., via a CSV file, or some hidden API perhaps)?
You'd have to run SQL queries against the database file (mobilesheets.db). It's a SQLite database. Let me know if you want more information about this. Other than that, I do also plan on adding support for updating metadata through CSV, as I know that's been asked for as well.
(12-20-2022, 04:51 PM)Zubersoft Wrote: [ -> ]You'd have to run SQL queries against the database file (mobilesheets.db). It's a SQLite database. Let me know if you want more information about this. Other than that, I do also plan on adding support for updating metadata through CSV, as I know that's been asked for as well.
Sure, thanks, that sounds doable. I would be interested in more information.
Are you using the Android or Windows version? On Android, the database file is under /storage/emulated/0/Android/data/com.zubersoft.mobilesheetspro/files by default. On Windows, it's under C:\Users\<your username>\AppData\Local\Packages\41730Zubersoft.MobileSheets_ys1c8ct2g6ypr\LocalState if you purchased the Microsoft Store version. Open the database file up using a SQLite editor like SQL Studio (which is free). Take a look at all the database fields and familiarize yourself with them. It's not too complicated in terms of the metadata for things like artists, albums. I can provide more information once you've studied it a bit.
Yes, that is the program that I personally use as it seems to work well.
(12-20-2022, 06:33 PM)Zubersoft Wrote: [ -> ]Are you using the Android or Windows version? On Android, the database file is under /storage/emulated/0/Android/data/com.zubersoft.mobilesheetspro/files by default. On Windows, it's under C:\Users\<your username>\AppData\Local\Packages\41730Zubersoft.MobileSheets_ys1c8ct2g6ypr\LocalState if you purchased the Microsoft Store version. Open the database file up using a SQLite editor like SQL Studio (which is free). Take a look at all the database fields and familiarize yourself with them. It's not too complicated in terms of the metadata for things like artists, albums. I can provide more information once you've studied it a bit.
Thanks, i'll give it a shot. I'm using the Android (e-ink version).