Hi you all,
I am new to MobileSheets and am enjoying a lot the app!
I wish to know if there is a way to populate metadata based on my filename format, most of my files are in the following formats:
Tears in Heaven - Eric Clapton.pdf
Eric Clapton - Tears in Heaven.pdf
It would be great if MobileSheet can scan my entire library and catch the names os the score and composers!
Thanks for your help,
Bruno Pontes
At the moment, no, you can't populate metadata based on the filename. That is on my list of things to do though. If you use Import->Batch Import, you can populate metadata based on folder structures though.
Hi everyone
I also have most PDF named as ( Artist - Title .pdf )
Until this feature is implemented, I created a simple powershell script that when run in a directory
- Get all PDF files containing " - " ([SPACE][HYPHEN][SPACE] ( expected Artist - Title .pdf )
- Create Export folder
- Create One folder per artist
- Copy the PDFs to the folder with the first part removed from the Filename
PowerShell script for CreateMobileSheets Appp
Creates an Export directory in which it will copy all the PDF Files per Artist.
Source PDF Files are expected in format "Artist - Title.pdf"
CreateMobileSheets allows batch import , but only based on folder structure , not based on Filename
$export_dir = 'Export'
Get-ChildItem *-*.pdf -File | # Get All PDF Files with a hyphen
Group-Object { $_.Name -replace ' -.*' } | # Group by part before first -
ForEach-Object {
# Create directory for each group
$dir = New-Item -Type Directory -Path $export_dir -Name $_.Name -Force
# Copy each File in the group
$_.Group | ForEach-Object {
$newName = $_.Name -replace '^.*- ' # remove the "Artist - " From Filenamme
$dest = Join-Path $dir $newName
Copy-Item $_ -Destination $dest