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Full Version: Player shows wrong Audio file duration
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I have an audio file linked to a button. 
When I play it the total length of the song in the player window shows 16 min but the song is only 3min.
It stops correctly at the actual length leaving a long portion empty on the timeline.
The same piece works and displays correctly on my Windows version.
I'm sending you the msf via email.

Thanks, I'll take a look at it.

(01-09-2023, 09:21 AM)palosanto Wrote: [ -> ]I have an audio file linked to a button. 
When I play it the total length of the song in the player window shows 16 min but the song is only 3min.
It stops correctly at the actual length leaving a long portion empty on the timeline.
The same piece works and displays correctly on my Windows version.
I'm sending you the msf via email.


The problem pops again once in a while.
Today another piece with a 3'20" audio file displays as 21'26" .  When the time marker reaches 3'20" it returns to zero.
I'm emailing you the msf.
For anyone that sees this thread, the file was corrupted and has an incorrect duration. No tool seems to be able to fix the file that I've tried so far, including online mp3 repair tools. In cases like these, there is very little that can be done in MobileSheets to deal with the invalid duration. Other applications show the same incorrect duration, such as winamp, iTunes and VLC, however Windows Media Player somehow shows the correct duration, so I'm not sure what approach they are doing to calculate the duration. I'm relying on the built-in audio engines of Android, Windows and iPadOS to calculate the duration, so if they report an incorrect duration, there isn't much I can do about it.

(02-18-2023, 11:14 AM)Zubersoft Wrote: [ -> ]For anyone that sees this thread, the file was corrupted and has an incorrect duration. No tool seems to be able to fix the file that I've tried so far, including online mp3 repair tools. In cases like these, there is very little that can be done in MobileSheets to deal with the invalid duration. Other applications show the same incorrect duration, such as winamp, iTunes and VLC, however Windows Media Player somehow shows the correct duration, so I'm not sure what approach they are doing to calculate the duration. I'm relying on the built-in audio engines of Android, Windows and iPadOS to calculate the duration, so if they report an incorrect duration, there isn't much I can do about it.


Hi Mike.  Thanks for looking into that.
I ended up loading it in Audition and saving it as .aac
The file duration was correct loaded in Audition but saving it as mp3 would store the wrong duration again.
Anyway, it's all good now.  Sorry about the trouble.