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Full Version: Device Connection Problems [3.6.7]
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I am using 2 Surface Pro tablets and I have some connection problems:

Connection settings: (WiFi)
* Match songs using: Title
* Let leader device turn pages: Yes
* Let leader device load song and setlists: Yes
* Let leader device synchronize songs and changes in setlists: No

New Device Group on leader device:
* Book mode: On
* Page turn mode: Two Pages
* Separate songs in book mode: yes
* Create temporary copies of setlists on follower device: Yes

I can successful join to the leader device. If I choose a 2 page song, I get page 1 on leader and page 2 on follower device.
If I choose a one page song, I get the song on the leader device. The second page of the last song remains on follower device.

I think it should be a black page shown on the follower?

Error 1:
If I then again choose a 2 page song, the second page is not shown on the follower any more.
Looking in the Manage Device Connections Menu both devices are still shown as connected!

Error 2:

I can now disconnect the follower device from the leader device, but the leader device remains connected to the follower. I am not able to disconnect the leader device. Tapping on disconnect button does not work.
The only way to disconnect the the leader is to exit mobilesheets app on the leader and restart the app. A new connection to the follower is only possible if I exit mobilesheets app on both devices.

I don't know since which version the problems occur, but until some time ago it worked fine.

Thank you.

Please update to version 3.6.9. Version 3.6.8 fixed issues with connectivity over both bluetooth and wifi when working with the Connect Tablets feature. So I would like you to test this with the latest changes to ensure it isn't already fixed.

All problems are solved.
Sorry for my post. I didn't notice the new update.

Thank you!
Sure thing - happy to help!
