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Full Version: Weird problem with touch not registered
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I have a weird problem with touch. Sometimes the first touch on the main screen is not registered. I need to touch a second time.

Steps to reproduce:
1) open Mobilesheets
2) open the menu (three dots on top right)
3) close the menu
4) the next touch action is not registered

The same behaviour I get with the following:
1) open a score
2) returning to main screen
3) the next touch action is not registered

This is on the e-ink version on a Max Lumi. I believe this problem is a new one (using 3.7.2), but I am not 100 percent shure if it has been there in earlier versions.
It's a miracle! Yesterday I could reproduce the problem consistently as described above. Today it is gone and everything works as expected. The only thing I did in between was a sync of the library between my Windows 10 version and the Android version on my Max Lumi.

I cannot understand this, but will keep a eye on it.
I would have responded sooner but didn't have any answers and was going to run tests on my Max Lumi. I'm glad to hear the problem disappeared though. Let me know if it comes back and there is a way to reproduce it.

My problem came back :-( but I think I am now able to reproduce it:

1) open Mobilesheets
2) open a score
3) put Tablet to sleep by pressing the on/off button
4) resume Tablet
5) go back to the library
6) the next touch action is not registered

A restart of Mobilesheets solves the problem.
Once the problem occurs, does it keep occurring? Or does it just happen once? I'm not sure I'm testing correctly as I'm not seeing an issue. Are you pressing the bottom button on the device to go back to the library screen? What is the next touch action that is not registered? I tried just tapping another tab - is that what I should be doing or are you tapping another song to load something else?

I am using a touch action on top center to go back to the library, but the problem also shows up with the physical button on my Max Lumi. I open a score, return to the library and the first touch is not registered, I always have to touch twice.

What is important to reproduce the problem is that I put the device to sleep while viewing a score. There is no problem, if I put it to sleep while in the library.

I recorded a video which shows the problem: Link to video
I did some more testing and found out that my problem also shows up, when I go to the android home screen or multitasking view while viewing a score. In the end I found the setting causing the problem. I had the setting "Hide the Navigation Bar" enabled. Now I disabled it and my problem is gone. There seems to be a problem within that logic. I do not need this setting, because I am using the Boox gestures and therefore have no navigation bar.