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Turn the page with a wink!
Good Morning,

I am a professional musician and I have decided to transfer all my scores to digital and work with a large format tablet. After spending almost a month testing with a 12.4 tablet with Android and an Apple iPad pro I have decided on the first one, Android. The ipadpro has a perfect size and some very worked specific applications but overall it gives me more Android and I will use a 12.4-inch Tablet with mobilsheets.
That said, I want to congratulate the creator of MOBILSHEETS as the application is excellent and I see that it has continued support and is eager to keep growing and improving. Every time I am learning more about how it works and I see that it is up to the standards of Apple and, even in some details, as a personal opinion, better. Congratulations to its creator!
That said, I would like to make a request to the creator since, while testing with "FORSCORE" and DIGITALSCORE "from Apple, I have seen a very interesting function of the latter that I wish that in the future was also for MOBILSHEETS. Pass the page with a wink with the eye! Through the front camera of the tablet, the program recognized when you closed the right eye and turned the page, if you closed the left it returned to the previous page. With this, the use of the blueetooth pedal would be ended or it would be in the background.
We are in touch,
A greeting!
Josep M


Buenos días,
Soy músico profesional y he decido pasar todas mis partituras a digital y trabajar con una tablet de gran formato. Después de estar casi un mes haciendo pruebas con una Tablet de 12,4 con Android y un Ipad pro de Apple me he decido por la primera, Android. El ipadpro tiene un tamaño perfecto y unas aplicaciones específicas muy trabajadas pero en global me aporta más Android y utilizaré una Tablet de 12,4 pulgadas con mobilsheets.
Dicho esto quiero felicitar al creador de MOBILSHEETS ya que la aplicación es excelente y veo que tiene un soporte continuado y muchas ganas de ir creciendo y mejorando. Cada vez estoy aprendiendo más su funcionamiento y veo que está a la altura de las conocidas de Apple y, incluso en algunos detalles, como opinión personal, mejor. Enhorabuena a su creador!
Dicho esto me gustaría hacer una petición al creador ya que, al estar probando con “FORSCORE” y DIGITALSCORE” de Apple he visto una función muy interesante de esta última que desearía que en un futuro también estuviera para MOBILSHEETS. Pasar la hoja haciendo un guiño con el ojo!! A través de la cámara frontal de la tablet el programa reconocía cuando cerrabas el ojo derecho y pasaba la página, si cerrabas el izquierdo volvía a la página anterior. Con esto, se terminaría el uso del pedal blueetooth o quedaría en segundo plano.
Estamos en contacto,
Un saludo!
Josep M
With Neuralink you wouldn't even need to wink.
With Google Glass you wouldn't need to bring your music stand.
Adding support for features like this is definitely on my list for the future. It's going to be a bit before I can work through these kinds of enhancements though, as I need to get the iOS version finished first and then focus on some high priority updates. I also will need to locate libraries for Android, Windows 10 and iOS to do facial image analysis to determine when eyes are winking or faces are moving in order to support this. That may not be an easy task, especially if the libraries are heavy-weight and would bloat the installation with dependencies.

I really appreciate the feedback and rest assured that at some point in the future, I will be able to add capabilities like this one.

otnt Wrote:With Google Glass you wouldn't need to bring your music stand.

I was told once that the resolution of google glass was insufficient to read scores. Maybe that has improved?

Zubersoft Wrote:also will need to locate libraries for Android, Windows 10 and iOS to do facial image analysis to determine when eyes are winking or faces are moving in order to support this. That may not be an easy task, especially if the libraries are heavy-weight and would bloat the installation with dependencies.

I would happily accept an external device that can do this, and act towards MSPro (and other apps!) as a keyboard. No bloat for MSPro, and the functionality is available to all apps.

Personally I hate the (not even so current) trend of implementing generic functionality in apps. For example, I have a very good video player that I use to view videos. But my tv apps (and facebook etc.) have their own players that are much less, and behave and are controlled differently. I have a splendid ebook reader but my newspaper app forces me to use some kind of built-in text widget. Irritating.
johanvromans.nl — hetgeluidvanseptember.nl — mojore.nl -- howsagoin.nl
Samsung Galaxy Note S7FE (T733) 12.4", Android 13.0, AirTurn Duo & Digit (Gigs).
Samsung Galaxy Note S4 (T830) 10.5", Android 10.0 (maintenance and backup).
Samsung A3 (A320FL), Android 8.0.0 (emergency).
I second this request! Being able to use face gestures in order to turn pages would be VERY useful when playing with both hands ánd feet (eg. for organists).

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