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Libraries and Song Files
I have the following questions regarding multiple Libraries:
1. Does all the Library created in the same Mobile Sheets installation share all the song files
2. If I restore a Library Backup .msb file to a newly created Library, what will happen to all the song files I have in the other Library in the same computer
3. What happen to the actual song file that is Imported to each of the Library if I import a song to one Library but I already have a song file with the identical song name in my other Library.  The songs sheets may be the same or different but the song name is identical and I don't want the 2 song files to be mixed or overwrite each other
4. When you Import a song file to a Library and the song file already exist, the Import process will alert you to this fact and ask whether you want to Overwrite or create a new file.  If one select create a new file, what will be the name of that new song file

Bottom line is is it possible to have 2 totally different Mobile Sheets Library including song files in the same computer.  Obviously you cannot install the same App 2 times but I don't want the song files to get mixed up between the 2 Library setup as there is a lot of songs that may have the same name but are totally different song sheets and I'm trying to avoid having to change all the song names in one Library just to avoid the song files getting mixed up.

Messages In This Thread
Libraries and Song Files - by Music Lover - 05-17-2024, 08:44 AM
RE: Libraries and Song Files - by Zubersoft - 05-18-2024, 03:20 AM
RE: Libraries and Song Files - by Music Lover - 05-19-2024, 10:01 AM

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