12-01-2017, 05:25 PM
I would like to put most of my songs into ChordPro format because I usually only need lyrics with chords with only few text comments. But sometimes I need to add a short score (just a few bars) with riff I need to play, important solo etc. I know I can add image to ChordPro files but it's clear I can't transpose them with rest of ChordPro files if I need to. So an idea came to my mind - Would it be possible to add support for (short) MIDI files and render/transpose them with ChordPro files? Maybe only support for 1 or 2 tracks in MIDI files (left and right hands for piano players) with let's say 16 bar limitation?
Tablet: Surface Pro 8,
Other: Strich BT-FP2, USB-MIDI connection to Kurzweil Forte 7