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File Under Option, Field for Lyricist and Hover Info With Mouse Pointer
Quote:PPS For Lyricist, you could use a Custom field (never used them myself)

Small correction. You could use the custom group. There is 1 custom group and 2 custom fields you can use. And I've been using the 
custom group (renamed as lyricists) myself for that. Myself and others have requested additionals groups or better custom groups for quite a while (I'd like to have at least one extra for arranger for instance). But because of the load of bugfixes and other new features it's probably way down on Mike's agenda.

The other feature I'd also like to have and also have requested some time back is your idea about some kind of "alias function". That's not available so far in MSP and I don't think the big annotation update Mike is planning is including this. This update will provide to option to have multiple and different annotations for one song.

But I don't think alias names are covered and neither a synced editing.

My solution for now is to have alternate song names in one of the custom fields (here it's indeed the custom field) and have it displayed beneath the title with the song format option (it's a bit more advanced stuff but you can find in the manual).

Example: I have "Black Orpheus" as main song title (and named all my song entries this way regardless how they are in the source pdf) and in
the custom field "Day In The Life Of A Fool [A]  / Manha De Carnaval / Chanson D'Orphee [La]" which is shown beneath the title.

For each of these alt titles I have a dummy.pdf assigned to (only once) which then would be for instance
title: "Day In The Life Of A Fool [A]"
custom field: "Black Orpheus  / Manha De Carnaval / Chanson D'Orphee [La]"

(the main title Black Orpheus always listed as first one, so I know which title to look for if I get the dummy)

It's a bit complicated but works for me as long there's no real alias feature.

And yeah, you're right. MSP and it's developer Mike are fabulous.

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RE: File Under Option, Field for Lyricist and Hover Info With Mouse Pointer - by BRX - 10-10-2018, 08:45 PM

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