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PDF Page Number Customization or Page Number Shift
I recently added a few Fake Books (PDF's) to my library as multi page documents to have for a back-up for songs I don’t have entered as individual sheets.
What I immediately noticed is when attempting to find a song from the Fake Book index by the referenced page number, I end up somewhere else because MobleSheets counts the first page in the PDF as number 1 while the Fake Book considers page 1 the first page of music, disregarding covers, indexes and other pages.
For example, when viewed in Acrobat an example PDF Fake Book I have refers to the cover page as C1 while the six pages of indexes are referred to as i – vi, however when brought into MobileSheets, C1 becomes page 1 while indexes i - vi become pages 2 – 7.
That means if I try to enter the page number for a song that according to the index is supposed to be on page 7, I actually have to enter page number 14 in MobileSheets. While that may seem like a minor hassle, I have 12 different Fake Books in my library, all with a different number of index and other pages before what the Fake Book considers as page 1 for index look-up purposes. Doing the math in addition to the look-up of the song in the index wastes even more time.
Splitting up the multipage documents into individual pages is of course an option, but I really don’t want to clutter up my library with a bunch of sheets I may already have or never use.
What would be nice is if MobileSheets imported the PDF with the same page numbers as Acrobat, meaning having something other than numbers, (like C1 for covers and i - x for index pages).
Another suggestion would be to add a method to renumber/rename individual pages for an individual multi-page item in your MobileSheets library to accomplish the same thing if it can’t be done easily during the import of the PDF. Or, possibly some way to change the range of page number while still having pages you don’t want in the page count to appear during page turns.
Presently, if you change the range of page numbers from 1 -100 to 6 – 100, you no longer see pages 1 -5 which defeats the purpose of having an index if you can't view it.
Hopefully you understand what I am talking about and thanks in advance for any consideration you give to this suggestion.

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PDF Page Number Customization or Page Number Shift - by Scherzo - 10-21-2019, 11:49 PM

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