(11-24-2023, 11:05 PM)sciurius Wrote: Whether "the eye is clicked" should be a user preference.
So if I, as a guitar player, have a song with capo 2 and chord D, I put the capo on 2 and play chord D (which will sound as E).
My keyboard player will have to play E so 伊 will want to see the chords transposed.
Exactly. But if the CP is already transposed “internally” (or pre-modulated if you prefer)— which is what the “capo” directive indicates —and we don’t un-check the eye, then a keyboard player would see “Capo: 2” displayed on the score, and the displayed chords would be a full step below the capo chords, which are already a full step below the actual chords. Un-checking the eye by default (when a CP has the capo directive) avoids this confusion.