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ChordPro directives not recognized without colon
As many ChordPro users I have the habit of using terminating directive keywords with a colon, e.g.

{title: My Song}

However, the colon has always been optional according to the ChordPro specification.

I can live with MSPro requiring the colon, as it is just nicer/better, but users importing arbitrary ChordPro files from the internet may occasionally get a surprise...
For example, you'll quickly notice that the song title is not picked up, but you'll probably not going to notice that meta data like composer, key, time, tempo is silently ignored.
johanvromans.nl — hetgeluidvanseptember.nl — mojore.nl -- howsagoin.nl
Samsung Galaxy Note S7FE (T733) 12.4", Android 13.0, AirTurn Duo & Digit (Gigs).
Samsung Galaxy Note S4 (T830) 10.5", Android 10.0 (maintenance and backup).
Samsung A3 (A320FL), Android 8.0.0 (emergency).

Messages In This Thread
ChordPro directives not recognized without colon - by sciurius - 05-31-2017, 06:56 AM

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