(08-26-2017, 05:32 AM)AndyL Wrote: Really you should be able to treat everything as UTF-8 unless you find a marker to the contrary. It's the unicode files without a BOM that are "wrong".
These two sentences confirm your conclusion that "Text handling is a minefield best left to the experts."

The Unicode Standard permits the BOM in UTF-8, but does not require or recommend its use. (emphasis mine)
johanvromans.nl — hetgeluidvanseptember.nl — mojore.nl -- howsagoin.nl
Samsung Galaxy Note S7FE (T733) 12.4", Android 13.0, AirTurn Duo & Digit (Gigs).
Samsung Galaxy Note S4 (T830) 10.5", Android 10.0 (maintenance and backup).
Samsung A3 (A320FL), Android 8.0.0 (emergency).
johanvromans.nl — hetgeluidvanseptember.nl — mojore.nl -- howsagoin.nl
Samsung Galaxy Note S7FE (T733) 12.4", Android 13.0, AirTurn Duo & Digit (Gigs).
Samsung Galaxy Note S4 (T830) 10.5", Android 10.0 (maintenance and backup).
Samsung A3 (A320FL), Android 8.0.0 (emergency).