09-30-2019, 08:51 AM
(08-31-2019, 06:32 AM)domgi Wrote: I totally agree with a better use of Stamps as to put in fingerings, bowings, breathes and all other more ''classical'' oriented marks, and that the question is about time: the ability to choose and nudge a selected symbol from a pop-up menu is a thing, but being able to choose a reduced set of marks to place in one shot would be better by far (releasing over the music places and saves it?).
Anyways, those I deal with hand writing for now, but I wish to use more of the Stamp tool when this technique is developped in the program...
Let's all hope we get more and more users (upcoming Apple collegues?), in order to guide Mike in his development strategy.
I totally agree with this! I'm using msp on android and am absolutely loving it! My one bugbear however is adding stamps and annotating quickly, especially in choir rehearsals.
It would be great if I could create a subset of quick access stamps that are relevant to the rehearsal I'm going into. For example, the main stamps I'm going to use for choir are flats/sharp/naturals/rests and breath marks (using the bow mark for this at the moment, but if you add a tick or something similar that would be awesome!). At the moment I have to scroll through to find it, add it and nudge it into place, which is much slower than my pencil and paper wielding counterparts. If those subsets were then able to be saved under a label (so I could have one for choir, another for when I'm marking in fingering for the piano) that would be even more awesome.
Another thing that would be useful would be an option to have a coloured frame around stamps or making the colour of stamps selectable so that it's obvious that it's a stamp rather than part of the original music. I had a situation where the conductor wanted to shorten a semibreve by 1 beat, so I added a crotchet rest using the stamp, but, when we came back to that section later in the rehearsal, at first glance it looked like there were 5 beats in the bar. I ended up adding a coloured square around the annotation but doing this then adds time to the process of adding it.
I appreciate you're really busy Mike, but thought I'd add my tuppence since you were already discussing annotations!